civil registrar
The Marriage Act - Family
civil registrars and marriage officers. . ministers of religion, how far entitled to be marriage officers. . civil registrar to be marriage officer ex-officio. . when marriage officer may refuse to act as such. . deputies to civil registrars, their ap
The Marriage Act - Family
civil registrar. as to a separate religious service. inquiries by marriage officer. how marriages to be registered. marriage officer?s duties immediately after registration. registering marriage in the general register office. rectification of regis
The Marriage Act - Family
civil registrar?, ?marriage officer? mean respectively registrar-general of marriages, civil registrar of marriages and marriage officer under this act; : "?general register office? means general register office for the keeping of registers of marriages
The Marriage Act - Family
civil registrars of marriages, and . such ministers of religion as may be entitled to appointment under the provisions of this act to be called marriage officers. 7 appditfiments and removals of, and any resignation or vacation of office by civil regist
The Marriage Act - Family
civil registrar shall, subject to the approval of the minister, appoint by writing under his hand a fit person to act as his deputy in case of his illness or absence. such deputy shall hold his office during the pleasure of the civil registrar by whom he
The Marriage Act - Family
civil registrar of marriages shall be deemed to be and shall be dealt with as a notice under section 17. (3) a notice given to a minister (being a marriage officer) under this section, shall be deemed to be and shall be dealt with as a notice under secti
The Marriage Act - Family
civil registrar or a marriage officer desire that there seiaions shall be separately performed any religious service of sic marriage between them, they may present themselves to any acknowledged minister of religion, and such minister upon the production
The Muslim Marriage Act - Religion
civil registrar? and ?registrar-general? mean res- "? pectively civil registrar of marriages and registrar-general of marriages under the marriage act; ?marriage officer? means a person appointed to be a muslim marriage officer in accordance with section
The Muslim Marriage Act - Religion
civil registrar and such parties shall, in the presence of and before the civil registrar, make a declaration in the form prescribed, which declaration shall be certified by the marriage officer in the manner prescribed. [the inclusion of this page is