The Financial Institutions (First Caribbean International Bank (Jamaica) Limited) (Transfer of Banking Business of FirstCaribbean International Trust & Merchant Bank (Jamaica) Limited) Vesting Order,2003.
cnal trust & merchant bank (jamaica) limited and firstcaribbean international bank (jamaica) limited providing for the transfer of banking business of firstcaribbean international trust & merchant bank (jamaica) limited to firstcaribbean international ban
Delegation of Certain Functions of the Jamaica Racing Commission
cnab, veterinarian of p.o. box 4165, linstead, st. catherine and the persons holding from time to time, while this delegation shall be in force, appointment by the commission as operations stewards (all of whom are hereafter called ?the delegatees?) such
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Hillside, Parish of Saint Thomas) Order, 2013
cnaught who were served with louise prince, ?tio name of the property surveyed notices 3 an rn part of hillside w_ whittingham 11nd surveyed forms part. vol. 1268 fol. 746 s. bryon tha dates between which the 2000/07 /15 no one ?urvay vias made. the b
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Mount Prospect, Manchester) Order, 2015
cnall n 86 59 e 23.268 . o jrevor metaly n 4 44 w 33.292 , q ®, nooo 17 e 27.838 (ory n m12 58002w 15.164 o® lo s79 42 w 16.829 ? min. ss s§15w 29.592 2 heckiin daye incoin as cu, = 4 ? ste hon £ rn 0 & barbarah daye 8 ne lincoln p.o. g valda wilson on b®
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Blue Mountains, Manchester) Order, 2015ose Hill, Manchester) Order, 2015
cna . ? a on vi call cm = dom rat 1/500 malt ws ib 1/0762 mo em oo r a nh lu mm tt lvhaca ttt ttt awe ? ? losd roveris sais {avie codon pohorie 777 of hesier ws . . . avis gayle?roberls wo cer 633.89 sq. metres the names of the parties | avis coyle foberl
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Spring Garden In The Parish of Trelawny) Order, 2016
cnaish tha names of {hy parties ine inzlance \hs survey was mada. tarestac in the survey who wera ? servad with notless. seve orarinesiopanty at when [eof of spiing. gardon__| ie 130d surveyed forms part. ol. 165 2 3 the dates betwaan which the l- | _au
The Housing Scheme part of Hague and Clifton in the parish of Trelawny (Housing Area) Order, 2019
cnaughton, part of a reserved road, lot number 267 registered at volume 1137 folio 39 in the name of lambert dilbert; then westerly with adjoining lot number 305 to the south in the name of kenneth james; then southerly with adjoining lots to the east nam
The Bank of Jamaica (Dealings in Foreign Currency Instruments) (Portland JSX Limited) (Secured Fixed Rate US Dollar Convertible Bond) (Exemption) Order, 2021
cnamara corporate services inc., 20 micoud street, castries, saint lucia, intends to issue a secured fixed rate us dollar convertible bond totalling ten million ($10,000,000.00) with a coupon of 6.5% - 7.0% and maturing in five years (as described in the