collector of customs
The Corruption (Prevention) Regulations, 2002
collector of customs excise inspector excise officer 2 director 1 senior immigration officer immigration officer assistant regional inspector collector of taxes 4 collector of taxes 3 collector of taxes 2 collector of taxes 1 revenue field officer 2 re
The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
collector of customs - st. ann's bay no of offices office classification grade remarks 1 collections officer rmg ta 2 post [# 57991] of cashier (rmg/ta 1) upgraded and retitled with effect from october 1.2008. 1 1 total - collector of customs - st.
The Harbours Act - Environment
collector of customs a sum sufficient, in the opinion of the harbour master, to reinstate such buoy, mark, or stake; and if such vessel were in charge of a pilot, such pilot shall not be entitled to pilot any vessel in or out of such harbour until he shal
The Kingston Sailors' Home Act - Companies and Associations
collector of customs and the harbour master respectively of kingston for the time being, and of four members who shall be from time to time appointed by the minister on the recommendation of the subscribers to the home. the custos of kingston shall be th
The Petroleum and Oil Fuel (landing and Storage) Act
collector of customs at the port of entry, be, for the purposes of this act, ascertained by such test apparatus and according to such directions as the minister may from time to time by order prescribe. * 4. petroleum giving off inflammable vapour at any
The Merchandise Marks Act
collector of customs at that. the undermentioned goods, that is to say imported into th ¢ were about to be { ame rted from | e port oo contrary to section 14 of the merchandise marks act and requested that the said goods should be detained and dealt wit
The Excise Duty Act
collector of customs, . we hereby give notice that it is our intention to export the within men- tioned goods on the ss...cccccecenivieniniieviennnnnnn. for. ieee on which we claim drawback of excise duty and ask that an officer be detailed to ?xamine sa