collectors of taxes
The Agricultural Loans Act - Agriculture
collectors of taxes for the purpose of making a distress for taxes and duties under the tax collection act) executing any civil process, and execution creditors, and any mortgagee, or incum- brancer, or subsequent purchaser of such land. the form of deed
The Facilities for Title Act - Real Estate
collectors of taxes assistant collectors of taxes solicitors of the supreme court ministers of religion who are marriage officers headmasters, headmistresses and teachers not below the grade of assistant teacher a-1 in public primary schools within th
The Licence and Registration Duties Act - Companies and Associations
collectors of taxes collector of taxes to deliver licence in consecutive order, and to transcribe same in book. duties of police in execution of this act police may seize property not licensed, on sale thereof duties and expenses to be paid from proceeds
The Licence and Registration Duties Act - Companies and Associations
collectors of taxes "30. the collector of taxes of each parish, or district of a parish, shall fill up, in consecutive order, in the book to be for that purpose furnished to him, and in which book the licences and counterfoils thereof shall be numbered f