commercial papers
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) Order,2009
commercial papers, bonds, etc... . .............. 12 10ans/deposits - = «cc ee 13 other (specify): 14 total (add lines 9. 10, 11,12, 13and 14} . . - . . - 15 managed accounts gross interest tax withheld bojmof securities . . . ................... 18
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) Order,2009
commercial papers, bonds, etc... ... ._..... 34 loans/deposits ~~ - - . ooo 35 other (specify): 36 total (add lines 31, 32.33, 34. 35 and 36) _ . . . . | co a7 clients' managed accounts gross interest tax withheld boj/mof securities ce 38 reposby boj .
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) Order,2009
commercial papers, bonds, etc... . . . .... .... ._._. 12 loans/deposits = + + + © cc csc css ee 13 other - specify: 14 total (add lines 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14) 15) managed accounts gross interest tax withheld boj/mof securities . . . . . .. .__._......
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) Order,2009
commercial papers, bonds, etc. . . = =~ = = . ; 34 loans/deposits . . . . . . . +35 other (specify): | 36 total (add lines 31.32.33, 34. 3580036) . . . . . . . . . . ..... | [37 clients managed accounts gross interest tax withheld boj/mof secures :38 rep