commerzbank ag
The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jaamaica Lon of EURO 15, 575,287 from Commerzbank AG, Brussels) ) Order, 2006
commerzbank ag, brussels) order, 2006 whereas by section 12(m) of the income tax act, the minister of finance and planning may, by order published in the gazette, provide that the interest on any loan charged upon the consolidated fund shall, in so far a
The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jaamaica Lon of EURO 15, 575,287 from Commerzbank AG, Brussels) ) Order, 2006
commerzbank ag, brussels) order, 2006 and shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. 2. interest payable in connection with the loan to the government of jamaica from commerzbank ag, brussels shall be exempt from income tax. da
The Stamp Duty (Government of Jamaica Loan of EURO 15,575,287 from Commerzbank AG, Brussels) Order, 2006
commerzbank ag, brussels) order, 2006 and shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. 2. interest payable in connection with the loan to the government of jamaica from commerzbank ag, brussels shall be exempt from income tax. da
The Income Tax ( Declaration of Exemption) ( Commerzbank AG Brussels E96.292.000.000,00 ) Order,2011
commerzbank ag brussels ?96.292.000,00 )yorder, 2011 * whereas by section 12(m) of the income tax act, the minister of finance and the public service may, by order published in the gazette, provide that the interest-on any loan charged upon the consolid
The Income Tax ( Declaration of Exemption) ( Commerzbank AG Brussels E96.292.000.000,00 ) Order,2011
commerzbank ag, brussels) (remission) (notice), 2011 whereas the government of jamaica proposes to borrow the sum of ninety-six million two hundred and ninety-two thousand euro from commerzbank ag, brussels pursuant to a loan agreement dated october 18,
The Stamp Duty ( Government of Jamaica Loan of E96.292.000,00 From Commers Bank AG, Brussels)(Remission) Notice , 2011
commerzbank ag, brussels) (remission) (notice), 2011 whereas the government of jamaica proposes to borrow the sum of ninety-six million two hundred and ninety-two thousand euro from commerzbank ag, brussels pursuant to a loan agreement dated october 18,