commission estab
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act - Communication and Technology
commission estab- lished under section 12; ?community access channel? means a channel dedicated to the provision of access to news, information and other [the inciusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 12322011) cap. 47. laws 66 of 1958, 48 of 195
The Fair Competition Act - Consumer Protection
commission establishment of commission. . functions of the commission. commission shall seek information. powers of the coniiyission. - hearings to be held in public. minister may give directions. powers of entry and search, etc. discontinuance of i
The Kingston and St Andrew Water Supply Act - Local Government
commission estab- lished under the national water commission act and this act shall be read and construed accordingly. part 1. ferry river supply 3. the commissioners may establish and construct across the ferry river at such places as they may select d
The Overseas Examinations Commisions Act - Education
commission establishment of overseas examinations commission. object of commission. functions of commission. ministerial directions. administration appointment of officers and other employees. pensions, gratuities and other retiring benefits. financial
24_2005- The Overaseas Examinations Commission Act
commission establishment of overseas examinations commission. object of commission. functions of commission ministerial directions. administration appointment of officers and other employees. pensions, gratuities and other retiring benefits. financial
22 of 2014 - The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
commission establishment and functions establishment of jamaica anti-doping commission. functions of commission. board of directors establishment of board of directors. functions of board. minister may give directions to board. executive director and o
22 of 2014 - The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
commission establishment and functions 5.?(1) for the purposes of this act, there is established a body to be called the jamaica anti-doping commission which shall be a body corporate to which section 28 of the interpretation act applies. (2) the provis
10_2008- The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
commission establishment and functions establishment of jamaica anti-doping commission. functions of commission. minister may give directions to commission. power to delegate. part iii. anti-doping rules commission may make rules. anti-doping rules vi
10_2008- The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
commission establishment and functions s.?(1) there is hereby established for the purposes of this act, a body to be called the jamaica anti-doping commission which shall be a body corporate to which section 28 of the interpretation act applies. (2) the
24_2005- The Overaseas Examinations Commission Act
commission establishment of overseas examinations commission. object of commission. functions of commission ministerial directions. administration appointment of officers and other employees. pensions, gratuities and other retiring benefits. financial