commissioner of land valua
The Land Taxation (ReLief) Act
commissioner of land valuations letter l. v. oq. no. dated sent to applicant advis- ing that the application was not sent to the land taxation relief board because the valuation concerning the subject land did not take into account the potentialities of
The Land Valuation Act - Real Estate
commissioner of land valua- tions appointed under section 16 {a} of the revenue administration act; ?district? means a valuation district constituted for the purpose of this act; ?fee simple? in relation to the value of land means the estate in fee simp
The Hotels (Incentives) Act
commissioner of land valuations, and in order to facilitate such determination, the applicant shall furnish such information, plans, specifications, reports or other documents as the minister may require. (4) in this regulation? ?cost? means final cost c
The Local Improvements Act
commissioner of land valuations, in addition to (b) the cost of development of the infrastructure in relation to that subdivision. (2) the percentages which shall apply to the various categories of subdivision shall be as specified in the schedule. sch