The Sugar Industry Control ( Amendment) Regulations , 2016
computation of 12. in computing payment to a cane supplier, a payment to a standard level of factory efficiency (hereinafter referred to cane supplier. 5 the ?standard factory recovery index?), shall be utilized in respect of all factories. authority 13
The Bills of Exchange Act - Consumer Protection
computa- tion 49 of time. ~ saturdays. 25/1968 5.3.
The Parole Act - Courts and Judiciary
computa- tion of sentence and pre- rogative of mercy. termina~ tion of parole. assignment ai parole (2) subsection (1) shall not prevent the making of rules under the corrections act to provide that a parolee who forfeits parole or whose parole is su
The Transfer Tax Act
computations) regulations, 1971 (made by the minister on the 30th day of april, 1971) [4th august, 1971.) part i?preliminary 1. these regulations may be cited as the transfer tax (computa- tions) regulations, 1971. 2, in these regulations? ?capital g