conch season
37 of 2013 - Conch (Export Levy) (2013 Conch Season) (Special Provisions) Act
conch season; and for connected matters. [20 decernbrr, 20/3 1 be it enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of representatives of jamaica, and by the authority of the same, as follows: ?
37 of 2013 - Conch (Export Levy) (2013 Conch Season) (Special Provisions) Act
conch season) [no. ] (special provisions) act, 2013 provision section 3 new section 3a schedule (section 1) amendment in subsection (2) delete the word ?an? and substitute therefor the words ?subject to section 3a,an?. insert next after section 3
37 of 2013 - Conch (Export Levy) (2013 Conch Season) (Special Provisions) Act
conch season) [no. |] 5 (special provisions) act, 2013 provision amendment (b) the exporter completes payment of the levy within three months of the date of submission of the application.? . passed in the house of representatives this 17th day of decem