corporate area
The Judicature (Resident Magistrates) Act Notification of Corporate Area Court Station
corporate area court station it is hereby notified that in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 3 of the judicature (resident magistrates) act, the place described in the schedule has been fixed as a station of the court for the p
The Law Revision Act
corporate area) law cap. 93| the rio cobre canal law sections 3 to 32 both in- ? clusive. : 1953 revised edition cap. 19 | the arbitration law the words ?or its depen- - dencies? appearing in . subsection (1) of section 19. cap. 102| the divorce law
The Public Passenger Transport etc. Act - Transport
corporate area? means the corporate area as defined in the kingston and st. andrew corporation act; ?kingston metropolitan transport region? means the cor- porate area together with the area specified in the first schedule; ?licensee? means the holder o
The Public Passenger Transport etc. Act - Transport
corporate area. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 146/1999]