council 1962
The Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 - Constitution
council 1962 made . vee ve oe 23rd july 1962 laid before parliament ree vee 24th july 1962 coming into operation? section 3(2) of the order in council, and sections 80, 81, 94(1) and (2), 103, 104, 111, 124 and 125 (in part) of the constitution vee .
The Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 - Constitution
council 1962. (2) subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of sec- tion 3 of this order, this order shall come into operation immediately before the appointed day (in this order referred to as ?the commencement of this order?): provided that where by
The Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 - Constitution
council 1962 is revoked. 3.?(1) subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section and the other provisions of this order, the con- stitution of jamaica set out in the second schedule to this order (in this order referred to as ?the constitution
The Pensions (Federal Civil Service) Act - Courts and Judiciary
council 1962. (2) this order shall come into operation on 25th january, 1964. 2. the commissioner may enter into arrangements with any person or authority for the payment by that person or authority, in lieu of all or part of any pension payable by the
5 of 2021- The Appropriation Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the appropriation act, 2021? is a money bill. jamaica no. 5 ? 2021 t assent, [l.s.] governor-general. m. dalrymple philibert whan of manet 2027 an act to apply a sum out of the conso
3 of 2020-The Appropriation Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the appropriation act, 2020? is a money bill. pearnel p. charles, cd, mp, jp speaker jamaica no. = ? 2020 i assent, [ls] sg pol mie governor-general. 20 day of mark 2020 an act to app
18 of 2019- The Transfer Tax (Amendment)Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the transfer tax (amendment) act, 2019? is a money bill. pearnel p. charles, cd, mp, jp speaker jamaica no. /{ ?2019 i assent, [l.s.] ly dp md governor-general. a du 4 9 doam hse 2065
08_2018-The Appropriation Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the appropriation act, 2018? is a money bill. pearnel p. charles, cd, mp, jp speaker jamaica no. ¢ ? 2018 i assent, [l.s.] 7 . sd. / al hl governor-general. zs dew of tact, 20/8
19_2018-The Income Tax (Amendment) Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the income tax (amendment) act, 2018? is a money bill. pearnel p. charles, cd, mp, jp speaker. jamaica no. [9 ?2018 i assent, [ls] lig. ~ lee governor-general. 28k day 7 december 2018
06_2017 - The Property Tax (Amendment) Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the property tax (amendment) act, 2017? is a money bill. pearnel charles, cd, mp, jp speaker jamaica no. & ?2017 i assent, [l.s.] . ~ governor-general. [ot tay of mey ery f? 7 an act
08_2017 - The Telephone Calls Tax Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the telephone calls tax act, 2017? is a money bill. pearnel charles speaker jamaica no. § ? 2017 i assent, [l.s.] set. pol atl governor-general. (cf day of noy 017 an act to impose a
23_2017-The Constitution (Amendment) (Establisment Fund) (Payment of Pensions) Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the constitution (amendment) (established fund) (payment of pensions) act, 2017? isa money bill. pearnel charles, cd, mp, jp speaker jamaica no. 23 ? 2017 i assent, [ls] qu. [| l ha j
27_2017- The Stamp Duty (Amendment) Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the stamp duty (amendment) act, 2017? isa money bill. pearnel charles, cd, mp, jp speaker jamaica no. <7#?2017 i assent, [l.s.] governor-general. ind shey oy newvembes uz an act to amend
28_2017- The Income Tax (Amendment) Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the income tax (amendment) act, 2017? is a money bill. pearnel charles, cd, mp, jp speaker jamaica no. 25 ?2017 i assent, [l.s.] governor-general. ane ag of november lorz an act to a
29_2017- The Transfer Tax (Amendment) Act
council 1962, i hereby certify that this bill shortly entitled ?the transfer tax (amendment) act, 2017? is a money bill. pearnel charles, cd, mp, jp speaker jamaica no. ~¢] ?2017 i assent, [l.s.] st. [ l. hlew governor-general. 204 day f novendes