council of a municipal corporation
The Agricultural Marketing Corporation Act - Agriculture
council of a municipal corporation, city municipality or town municipality (as those terms are defined by section 2(1) of the local governance act); or (c) is not a fit and proper person as described in sub-paragraph (5).
12_2020- The Bank of Jamaica (Amendment) Act
council of a municipal corporation, city municipality or town municipality;?; (i) by inserting next after subparagraph (c), the following new subparagraphs ?(d) is a person employed with the government, a statutory body or an authority, an executive age
8 of 2016 - The Local Governance Act
council of a municipal corporation has been elected or, in the case of a city council, at the first meeting after the mayor of the city municipality has been elected, the members of the council of the municipal corporation or the city council (as the case
8 of 2016 - The Local Governance Act
council of a municipal corporation, resi gnation, incapacity or disqualification from any cause, of the deputy mayor of the council of a municipal corporation, the council shall elect one of their number to be deputy mayor. (5) in the absence or illness
The NIR Bill for submission to Cabinet v4
council of a municipal corporation, city municipality or town municipality (as those terms are defined by section 2(1) of the local governance act); or (c) is not a fit and proper person as described in sub-paragraph (5).