The Electoral Divisions (Parishes) Order, 2007
craighead 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 13, north-eastern 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 59, 60, 61, 100. (14) christiana 37, 38, 39,40, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66
craighead p.o. cross keys p.o. devon p.o. ellen street p.o. harmons p.o. harry watch p.o. hatfield p.o. kirkvine p.o. knockpatrick p.o. lincoln p.o. maidstone p.o. mandeville p.o. mile gully p.o. new port p.o. bakers hill p.a. . bombayp.a, bottom st. t
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Craighead Called Mount Tom, Manchester) Order, 2014
craighead called mount tom in the parish of manchester, butting and bounding as appears by survey pre-checked plan bearing plan examination number stated in the table below as follows: applicant survey parcel place name diagram (ha) size (
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Craighead Called Mount Tom, Manchester) Order, 2014
craighead i" o (0 5 of ©, 5z be 9 s§ ig - i ez oq [a | s . ¢ ya aq £3 c & = » wo i < i a ctr cot smn sme craic head called mn ount. 70m metres 20 10 og 20 40 60 80 100) metre: io l i 1 4 notcl = -? 1 ttt scale : 10m = tem : r 1/1000 ai marks are iron pegs
The Education (Determination of Classification of Specified Schools) (Amendment) Order, 2015
craighead all-age | manchester craighead first primary sept. 1, 2015 primary school 12023 harry watch all- manchester harry watch first primary sept. 1, 2015 age primay school 12025 huntley primary manchester huntley primary | first primary - sept. 1, 201
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Craighead, Called Bigwood In The Parish of Manchester) Order, 2017
craighead, called bigwood in the parish of manchester) order, 2017 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 5 of the registration of titles, cadastral mapping and tenure clarification (special provisions) act, 2005, the following o
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Craighead, Called Bigwood In The Parish of Manchester) Order, 2017
craighead p.o. * " 7. nbs 13 w ; 1% flarence anderson lp. by sword © croighead p.o. alva fowler qo. craighead p.o, ta re errr ry repr ae > d090 survey & mapping division = plan checked i vv 8 5 cl is 5 = ara xeon : & / craighead p.0, hl, > fos rector of s