credit union league
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) Order,2009
credit union league (dectinvestmenty a8 small account exemption firddustsonly) . . . . ll lll lll 49 long-term savings account (lsa) (syeers miaimum) ll lll - 50 other exempt bodies - . . . . . . . lll 51 total interest paid (add lines 46, 47. 48.49, 508
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) Order,2009
credit union league (direct investment)... . . . . «a 52 small account exemption (havdualsoal) co ca 53 long-term savings account (lsa) syears minimum) lll 54 other exemptbodies . . . . ... . . .. 55 total interest paid (addlines 50,57, 52,53, $4800 55).
The Toll Roads (Toll Regulator) (Designation) Order, 2021
credit union league, is hereby designated as the toll regulator. (2) the designation made under subparagraph (1) shall be for one year from the date of this order. dated this 8th day of may, 2021. robert montague minister of transport and mining. pr