The Administrator General's (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
crown rights 47. preparation of statutory declarations... column ii fees 3% of expen- diture outlay on the parti- cular proper- ty such amount as may be determinedby the admin- nistrator general having regard to the comp- lexity but not exceed-ing $6
The Crown Proceedings Act - Courts and Judiciary
crown proceedings (6) no proceedings shall lie against the crown by virtue of this section in respect of any act, neglect or de- fault of any officer of the crown, unless that officer has been directly or indirectly appointed by the crown and was, at the
The Interpretation Act - Parliament
crown agents? means the persons for the time being acting as crown agents for oversea governments and administrations in england, or any of them; ?custos? means the custos rotulorum of a parish, and where there is no substantive custos, or where the subs
The Administrator-General's Act
crown rights .. es preparation of statutory declarations preparation of letters of undertaking to stamp commissioner w- ? column ii fees 3% of expenditure outlay on the particular property such amount as may be determined by the ad- ministrator-gener
The Jamaican Nationality Act
crown service under the government of jamaica or partly the one and partly the other for a period of five years ending with the date of this application. . (a) details of residence form to full postal address in jamaica | (date) | (date) | years | mo