The Income Tax (Approved Farmer) (No. 2) Order, 2002
dawson, portland crops. 2001 longville district, the breeding of beef may pen, clarendon cattle and dairy cattle. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. 274 proclamations, rules and regulations [nov. 15, 2002
The Forest Act (Mount Dawson Forest Reserve) Notice, 2014
dawson forest reserve) notice, 2014 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 5(a) of the forest act, and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following notice is hereby given, [on the recommendation of the forestry departme
The Forest Act (Mount Dawson Forest Reserve) Notice, 2014
dawson forest reserve all that parcel of crown land situated in the parish of st. catherine, numbered as lot 104 of mount dawson land settlement and containing by survey 187 acres 1 rood 32.8 perches or 75.86 hectares and butting and bounding as follows:
The Forest Act (Mount Dawson Forest Reserve) Notice, 2014
dawson (block a) mount moreland 2 altamont % broadbelt x rsenbsscinn .., j3n8 aln broadbelt 2 ry b tet ssn ne - % & i & it pp o nies s & ki = & : j? s ; pd & st . qe mount dawson 5 - (block a) #7 4 lot 104 ¢ ? n mount dawson (block/.)
The Forest Act (Mount Dawson Forest Reserve) Notice, 2014
dawson (block b) [april 4,2014 mount dawson » of lands land settlement | ct 100 ar : os fo, s&s 5 ct e® s52 5 an commission , collins oc (now caymanas bay) ? #3 ny forge po 5 ?. ge dudley clarke / - estella be
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Tarentum called Richard Hall, in the Parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2014
dawson. 5. that the natural drainage onto the land shall be unimpeded. 6. drainage resulting from work done on the subdivision shall be satisfactorily intercepted and disposed of before it reaches the main/parochial road. 7. the owners shall not in any
The Prohibition from Landing (Xavier Francois Theres) Order, 2014
dawson forest reserve) notice, 2014 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 5(a) of the forest act, and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following notice is hereby given, [on the recommendation of the forestry departme
The Prohibition from Landing (Xavier Francois Theres) Order, 2014
dawson forest reserve all that parcel of crown land situated in the parish of st. catherine, numbered as lot 104 of mount dawson land settlement and containing by survey 187 acres 1 rood 32.8 perches or 75.86 hectares and butting and bounding as follows:
The Prohibition from Landing (Xavier Francois Theres) Order, 2014
dawson (block a) mount moreland 2 altamont % broadbelt x rsenbsscinn .., j3n8 aln broadbelt 2 ry b tet ssn ne - % & i & it pp o nies s & ki = & : j? s ; pd & st . qe mount dawson 5 - (block a) #7 4 lot 104 ¢ ? n mount dawson (block/.)
The Prohibition from Landing (Xavier Francois Theres) Order, 2014
dawson (block b) [april 4,2014 mount dawson » of lands land settlement | ct 100 ar : os fo, s&s 5 ct e® s52 5 an commission , collins oc (now caymanas bay) ? #3 ny forge po 5 ?. ge dudley clarke / - estella be
The Housing Scheme part of Minard, Saint Ann (Housing Area) Order, 2018
dawson, fugon perry, rupert gordon and sicily mathews all of cross roads, keith post office in the parish of saint ann; on the parochial road leading from home castle to retirement, lands registered at volume 1392 folio 186 in the name of michael a. gard
Detention (Devon Saunders) (State of Public Emergency for the Parish ok Kingston and St. Andrew) Order, 2018
dawson) (state of public emergency for the parish of kingston and st. andrew) order, 2018 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by regulations 33 and 38 of the emergency powers no. 3 regulations, 2018, the following order is hereby made: ?
Detention (Craig Dawson) (State of Public Emergency for the Parish of Kingston and St. Andrew) Order, 2018
dawson) (state of public emergency for the parish of kingston and st. andrew) order, 2018 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by regulations 33 and 38 of the emergency powers no. 3 regulations, 2018, the following order is hereby made: ?
Detention (Craig Dawson) (State of Public Emergency for the Parish of Kingston and St. Andrew) Order, 2018
dawson is to be detained from december 7, 2018 until the end of the period of the public emergency which commenced with the proclamation of the governor-general published in the jamaica gazette supplement proclamation, rules and regulations on the 23rd da
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Windsor Forest in the parish of Saint Thomas) Order, No. 0005/2021
dawson >| liandewey p.o. ¢ : g 7 e 4 2 4 . % 2 x a 20/6 ~04 -p gq © windsor forest 10 0 10 20 30 40 s0 60 70 80 90 100 - k i 1 1 | 1 1 ] 1 1 1 | [iti t t i i t i 1 i i 1 scale 1 centimetre = 10 metres rf. 1/1000 remarks: 5 al marks are iron pegs unless ot