dec. 2015
The Tax Collection Write- Off Order, 2017
dec. 2015 2012/ 2013 2012 2012 2007- 2008 2007- 2009 2011/12; 2016 2011-2013 2012 2015 2016 schedule, return tax balance 88,728,652,23 35,719.46 11,400.66 12,913.41 8,244.83 11,012.58 336,900.00 0 7,191.31 10,000.00 101.7 contd. outstand
The Tax Collection ( Approved Write-Off ) ( No. 2) Order, 2017
dec. 2015 jan, 2016- july 2016 corporate 2007 and income 2008 tax 2014 and 2015 education dec 2011- tax dec 2016 jan, 2016- july 2016 paye 2007- 2010 april 2011~ dec. 2015 jan, 2016? july 2016 paye 2010 _ schedule, contd. return tax balance 34,027.50
The Tax Collection ( Approved Write-Off ) ( No. 3) Order, 2017
dec. 2015 aug, 2015 and 2016 dec. 2014 and feb, 2015- nov. 2015 schedule, contd. return tax balance 191,252.94 96,393.40 473,475.15 10,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 980,007.27 1,073,593.00 1,139,361.65 outstanding penalty 0.00 185,017.07 190,6
The Tax Collection ( Approved Write-Off ) ( No. 4) Order, 2017
dec. 2015; jan. 2016? nov. 2016 schedule, contd. return tax penalty 14,376.00 3,823.92 136,754,666.55 34,604,176.12 22,664,697.26 45,821,259.87 interest total 18,200.24 ? 36,400.16 134,776,112.92 306,134,955.69 32,427,131.88 100,913,089.01
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) Order, 2018
dec. 2015 grand total dated this 22nd day of february, 2018. schedule, return tax balance 0.00 $71,882,386.24 contd. penalty 712,944.52 $150,564,374.05 interest total 6,699,857.93 7,412,802.45 $483,235,146.06 $705,681,906.35 audley f. shaw c
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 2) Order, 2018
dec. 2015 dec. 2008; mar. 2009 to dec. 2015 apr. 2008, june 2008 to jan. 2014; apr. 2014; aug. 2014 to sept. 2014; nov. 2014 to dec. 2014; feb. 2015 to mar. 2015; may 2015 to dec. 2015 dec. 2016 & dec. 2017 dec. 2016 dec. 2007 dec. 2009 to dec. 2015 dec.