The Wharfage (Additional Rates) (Harbour of Kingston) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order, 2006
december 27, 2006 no. 126 no. 229 the wharfage act the wharfage (additional rates) (harbour of kingston) (amendment) (no. 2) order, 2006 ii. exercise of the power conferred on the minister by paragraph 1 (b) of section 18 of the wharfage act, th
The Standards (Declaration of Standard Specification) (Pneumatic Tyres for Vehicle other than Passenger Cars) [Revised] Notice, 2006
december 27, 2006 no. 127a no. 230a the standards act the standards (declaration of standard specification) (pneumatic tyres for vehicles other than passenger cars [revised]) notice, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the bureau of stan
The Declaration of Recognized Motion Picture Producer ( Blazing Flames Entertainment Limited) Order, 2006
december 27, 2006 no. 127d no. 230g the motion picture industry (encouragement) act the declaration of recognized motion picture producer (biazing flames entertainment limited) order, 2006 in excrcise of the power conferred upon the minister by s
Licence-The Young Women's Christian Association of Jamaica Limited
december 27, 2006 no. 127k no. 230h the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that the young women's christian association of jamaica limited which was duly registered on the 20th january, 1954, as a limited liability c