december 31, 2003
The Standards (Declaration Of Standard Specification) (Liquid Whole Milk) (Cows) Notice, 2003
december 31, 2003 no. 117 no. 146 the standards act til standards (declaration of standard specification) (liquid whole milk) (cow's) notice, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred upon the bureau of standards by section 7(2) of the standards act, t
The National Resources (Prescribed Areas) (Prohibition Of Categories Of Enterprises, Construction And Development) (Amendment) Order,2003.
december 31, 2003 no. 118 no. 150 the natural resources conservation authority act the natural resources (prescribed areas) (prohibition of categories of enterprises, construction and development) (amendment) order, 2003 in exercise of the power
The Income Tax ( National Commercial Bank - Local Registered Stocks) Exemption Order, 2005
december 31, 2003 903,459,34041 vr lrs 2001/2006 trb april 1,2001 june 30, 2004 1,488,517,639.06 vr lrs 2001/2006 trc april 1,2001 december 31, 2004 427,624,921.50 vr lrs 2001/2006 trd april 1,2001 june 30, 2005 39,958,059.39 vr lrs 2001/2006 tre april 1,