decimal currency board
The Decimal Currency Act - Finance and Banking
decimal currency board. functions of board. powers of board. funds of board. reports and estimates. power of minister to issue general directions to board. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 480/1973]
The Decimal Currency Act - Finance and Banking
decimal currency board estab- lished by section 14; ?decimal currency of the island? means the decimal currency provided for in this act, and ?the decimal currency system? has a corresponding meaning; ?existing currency of the island? means the currency
The Decimal Currency Act - Finance and Banking
decimal currency board. second schedule. functions of board. decimal currency 14.?(1) there shall be established for the purposes of this part a body to be called the decimal currency board. (2) the provisions of the second schedule shall have effec
The Decimal Currency Act - Finance and Banking
decimal currency board 1. the board shall consist of not less than five nor more than seven members, as the minister may from time to time .determine, appointed by the minister. 2. the appointment of a member of the board shall, subject to the provision