department and island record office
19_2005- The Appropriation Act
department and island record office 110,000.0 4475180 4234 bellevue hospital 540,000.0 4235 govemnment chemist 14,2100 4251 child development agency 850,000.0 5100 ministry of agriculture 1,300,000.0 30,2120 5100a ministry of agriculture, capital 180,000.
4 of 2014 -The Appropriation Act
department and island record office bellevue hospital government chemist ministry of youth and culture ministry of youth and culture, capital, multilateral/bilateral programme(s) child development agency ministry of agriculture and fisheries ministry
12 of 2013 - Appropriation Act
department and island record office bellevue hospital government chemist ministry of youth and culture ministry of youth and culture, capital ministry of youth and culture, capital, multilateral/bilateral programme(s) child development agency minist
5_2012- The Appropriation Act
department and island record office bellevue hospital government chemist ministry of youth and culture ministry of youth and culture, capital ministry of youth and culture, capital, multilateral/bilateral programme(s) child development agency minis
13_2010- The Appropriation Act
department and island record office bellevue hospital government chemist child development agency ministry of youth, sport and culture ministry of youth, sport and culture, capital carried forward sums granted $000 110,922,158 2,601,141 68,324 1,
9_2007- The Appropriation Act
department and island record office bellevue hospital government chemist child development agency ministry of agriculture and lands ministry of agriculture and lands, capital ministry of agriculture and lands, capital, multilateral/ bilateral programm
5_2006- The Appropriation Act
department and island record office 110,000.0 436,447.0 bellevue hospital 577,756.0 government chemist 13,978.0 child development agency 850,000.0 2,658.0 ministry of agriculture and lands (formerly ministry of agriculture) 1,893,183.0 33,7570 ministry of
19_2005- The Appropriation Act
department and island record office 110,000.0 4475180 4234 bellevue hospital 540,000.0 4235 govemnment chemist 14,2100 4251 child development agency 850,000.0 5100 ministry of agriculture 1,300,000.0 30,2120 5100a ministry of agriculture, capital 180,000.