The Securities (Licensing and Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
depository notes for completing application i. this form is to be used by every applicant for licensing of a central securities depository under the securities act. 2. all applicable questions must be answered. failure to do so may cause delays in the
The Securities (Licensing and Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
depository no. of licence. ...viiriveeieierireiiii ieee cies this licence querotizes ....vivvevveveeveiverieetereetesee see seeieees sis srese ste ts era sba shes steerer staat saben nan ea sens of eee ehee ee eee tbe eee eee eer in the parish of ieee
The Legal Deposit Regulations,2004.
depository permission to? (a) copy (including download), reformat and refresh for preservation and documentation purposes, the document; (b) permit members of the public access to the document pursuant to sections 61 to 65 of the copyright act and the c
The Caribbean Development Bank Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
depository?) and shall remain open until 14th november, 1969, for signature by the govern- ments listed in annex a to this agreement. 2. in the case of territories in the region which are not fully responsible for the conduct of their international relat
2_2010- The Government Securities Dematerialization Act
depository of securities and other instruments. part via. depository of securities 41a.?(1) the bank may establish, operate or participate in, a depository of securities or other instruments. (2) for the purposes of subsection (1), the bank may? (a) e