The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) (Subsidiary Legislation) Order, 2008
diplomatic immunities and privileges endangered species (protection, conservation and regulation of trade) financial institutions financial services commission industrial and provident societies irrigation jamaican nationality jamaica racing commis
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Environmental Protection Levy) Order, 2015
diplomatic immunities and privileges act. exemptions 11. goods imported by persons specifi ed hereunder shall he exempt from + in relation to. the le name -_ imported vy, y goods. -. (a) .aministry or department of government; (by the producers of bauxite
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Environmental Protection Levy) Order, 2015
diplomatic immunities and privileges act. exemptions 11. goods imported by persons specified hereunder shall be exempt imported from the levy, namely? goods. (a) a ministry or department of government; (b) the producers of bauxite and alumina; (c) a for
The Education Tax Act - Education
diplomatic immunities and privileges act; ?hospital? means any institution for the reception and treatment of persons suffering from illness or mental defectiveness, any maternity home, and any institution for the reception and treatment of persons durin
The Exclusive Economic Zone Act - Environment
diplomatic jamaica has been seized within the zone by a marine officer, shore" the marine officer making such seizure shall inform the pix appropriate authority of such seizure; and the appropriate roping authority shall ensure that a diplomatic or consu
The Professions Supplementary to Medicine Act - Regulation of Professions
diploma or associate degree in ln. dietetics and nutrition from the college of arts, science and 58/1995 technology (c.a.s.t.) (8) nutrition assistant who holds the diploma or associate in dietetics s295. and nutrition from the college of arts, science
1 of 2013 - Protection of Plant Genetic Resources for... Act
diplotaxis, eruca, isatis, lepidium, raphanobrassica, raphanus, rorippa, and sinapis. this comprises oilseed and vegetable crops such as cabbage, rapeseed, mustard, cress, rocket, radish, and turnip. the species lepidium meyenii (maca) is excluded. cajan
The Professions Supplementary To Medicine Act
diploma in diagnostic radiography; {the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 184/2008]
The Statistics Act
diploma o certificate . onvq-j level o other (specify) ?o none o not stated . nvq-j) level codes:1, 2,3,4,5. code 9 if not stated 4.1 do you/does ... live in this household all or most of the time? o yes (go 10 4.3) o no o not stated
The Travel Tax Act
diplomatic personnel; that is to say, members of the diplomatic corps in jamaica, or members of any international organization accorded diplomatic privileges in jamaica, exempted from the payment of travel tax in accordance with any enactment in that reg