diplomatic immunities
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) (Subsidiary Legislation) Order, 2008
diplomatic immunities and privileges endangered species (protection, conservation and regulation of trade) financial institutions financial services commission industrial and provident societies irrigation jamaican nationality jamaica racing commis
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Environmental Protection Levy) Order, 2015
diplomatic immunities and privileges act. exemptions 11. goods imported by persons specifi ed hereunder shall he exempt from + in relation to. the le name -_ imported vy, y goods. -. (a) .aministry or department of government; (by the producers of bauxite
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Environmental Protection Levy) Order, 2015
diplomatic immunities and privileges act. exemptions 11. goods imported by persons specified hereunder shall be exempt imported from the levy, namely? goods. (a) a ministry or department of government; (b) the producers of bauxite and alumina; (c) a for