The Housing Scheme part of Chiswick and Bellrock, St. Thomas (Housing Area) Order, 2001
duckenfield, called bellrock in the parish of st. thomas registered at volume 72, folio 95, bounded on the north by a reserved road leading from the duckenfield sugar factory to duckenfield town square, west on remaining part of the same lands, a part of
The Housing Scheme part of Chiswick and Bellrock, St. Thomas (Housing Area) Order, 2001
duckenfield. top hill. golden grove p.o. in the said parish of st. thomas, on the east by a property road leading from the duckenfield sugar factory: containing approximately 9,180 square metres, more or less. dated at halfway tree this 12th day of marc
The Housing Scheme part of Small Wood Pen, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order, 2001
duckenfield, called bellrock in the parish of st. thomas registered at volume 72, folio 95, bounded on the north by a reserved road leading from the duckenfield sugar factory to duckenfield town square, west on remaining part of the same lands, a part of
The Housing Scheme Part of Bellrock, Phase 2, Saint Thomas ( Housing Area) Order, 2011
duckenfield in the parish of st. thomas, comprising 1.876 hectares and commencing at the intersection of the parochial road leading from duckenfield square and the reserve road leading to duckenfield sugar factory, thence easterly along the southern bound
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2014
duckenfield edtax? 407.48 10.00 407.48 primary school education : | taxes dupont primary edtax? 80.54 © 0.00 80.54 school education taxes early childhood edtax? 813.43 0.00 813.43 commission, education the taxes early childhood paye. 0.00 31,299.78 31,299
The Spirit Control Act - Health and Safety
duckenfield seaforth sugar & rum ltd. serge island gray?s inn (jamaica) central factory ltd. richmond-liandovery ltd. sheriff & company (jamaica) ltd. vale royal estates ltd. barnett ltd. rose hall ltd. hampden estates ltd. the west indies sugar c