eae eae
The Access To Information ( Appeal Tribunal) Rules, 2005
eae eae eae eee eee eee eee aarne eee easel eae eae aees ee ee ee eee ee eee eee eee eee ere eee aaa ea ae e rea aaa ea raa resa assed ra dares a ra aaraaa legal representatives (if any): (indicate the name(s) and address(es) of the person(s) who will m
The Registration (Births and Deaths) Act
eae eae ae er tareaan ata e tra aaasa (name of father) (name of mother) born on the..............ocoeinnnn. day of. uci 19............ bh er eet eer ate reer e terete naan in the parish of ........ccciiiireiiiiiiriie eerie ere enna, and registered in the
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
eae eae signature of persons sugar factory at which nominating candidate address of such persons registered 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. note: a nomination form shall contain the signatures of eight members of the all-island jamaica cane farmers?