The Wild Life Protection (Hunters' Licences) (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
eise, chairman, natural resources conservation authority. approved : seymour mullings, minister of land and environment. - no. 81 dreled the wild life protection act the wild life (shooting season) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred on t
The Wild Life (Shooting Season) Order, 2000
eise, chairman, natural resources conservation authority. approved : seymour mullings, minister of land and environment. ?_? no. 81 dpee a the wild life protection act tae wild life (shooting season) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred on
The Wild Life Protection (Game Bird Hunting Limit) (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
eise, chairman, natural resources conservation authority. approved : seymour mullings, minister of land and environment. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica.
The Travel Tax (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
eiss vie ae 10($ amount of travel tax conbciean. 2 ic. « ota 5 oo o ors 8.0 or siere remarks certification | certify that the information given above is true and correct. &) samp authorised signature date carrier/agent for official use receipt no. date of
The Wild Life Protection (Hunter's Returns) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
eise, chairman, natural resources conservation authority. approved: seymour mullings, minister of land and environment. no. 70b / / the wild life protection act / the wild life (shooting season) order, 2001 in exercise jo the power conferred on the