The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
embassy in washington, united states of america home based staff no of offices office classification grade remarks 1 mission accountant officer 1, office manager fmg pa 1 post [# 4939] of accounting technician 2 (fmg/at 2) reclassified and retitled with e
The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
embassy in berlin, germany home based staff no of offices office classification ?grade remarks 1 mission accounts officer 2, office manager fmg at c2 post [# 5043] of accounting technician 2 retitled with effect from april 1, 2011. 1 1 total - emba
The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
embassy in caracas, venezuela home based staff no of offices office classification grade remarks 1 mission accounts officer 3, office manager fmg at 3 post [# 5077] of accounting technician 2 (fmg/at 2) retitled and upgraded with effect from april
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Education Tax) Order, 2013
embassy, a high commission, cosulate or united nations agency situated in jamaica; a person who is not a 2.25 per cent of his citizen of jamaica, over ?emoluments . the age of 18 years and under retirement age resident in jamaica and employed there
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Education Tax) Order, 2013
embassy, jamaican high commission, jamaican consulate or a jamaican company, resident aboard; 2. self-employed persons? (a) (®) dated this 27th day of march, 2013. earning in any week less that the national minimum wage; other than those specified un
The Passport Act, 2017
embassy, mexico city, with jurisdiction over mexico, belize, costa rica, el salvador, guatemala, honduras, nicaragua, panama, to exercise all of the fumctions that the minister is authorized by that act to exercise in jamaica; provided, however, that the
The Passport Act, 2017
embassy, brasilia, with jurisdiction over argentina, chile, paraguay and uruguay, to exercise all of the functions that the minister is authorized by that act to exercise in jamaica; provided, however, that the power to refuse the issue of, or to cancel
The Passport Act, 2017
embassy, brasillia with jurisdiction over argentina, chile, paraguay and uruguay, to exercise all of the functions that the minister is authorized by that act to exercise in jamaica. provided, however, that the power to refuse ?the issue of, or to cancel
The Passport Act, 2017
embassy, brussells with jurisdiction over belgium, france, the netherlands, luxembourg, spain, portugal and monaco, to exercise all of the functions that the minister is authorized by that act to exercise in jamaica. provided, however, that the power to
The Passport Act, 2017
embassy, washington d.c. with jurisdiction over washington d.c., california, maryland and virginia to exercise all of the functions that the minister is authorized by that act to exercise in jamaica. provided, however, that the power to refuse the issue
The Passport Act, 2017
embassy, washington d.c, with jurisdiction over washington d.c., california, maryland and virginia to exercise all of the functions that the minister is authorized by that act to. exercise in jamaica. provided, however, that the power to refuse the issue
The Passport Act, 2018
embassy in havana, with jurisdiction over all of cuba to exercise all of the function that the minister is authorized by that act to exercise in jamaica. provided, however, that the power to refuse the issue of, or to cancel a passport or an emergency ce
Licence - Kingdom Embassy Family Ministries International Limited
embassy family ministries international limited, which was duly registered on the 17th day of november, 2016, as a limited liability company, is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the
The Passport Act
embassy in mexico city, with jurisdiction over belize, republic of costa rica, republic of el salvador, republic of guatemala, republic of honduras, republic of nicaragua, republic of panama to exercise all of the functions that the minister is authorize
The Passport Act, 2017
embassy in berlin, germany, with jurisdiction over republic of bulgaria, the czech republic, the holy see, republic of hungary, the state of israel, republic of poland, republic of romania, the russian federation, republic of serbia, the slovak republic,