ember, 1974
The Dental Act - Health and Safety
ember, 1974, was registered under the dental law (now repealed) shall be deemed, at the said date, to be registered as a dentist under this act, and the registrar shall as soon as practicable after such date, enter the name, address, qualification and oth
The Dental Act - Health and Safety
ember, 1974, to the council in the prescribed form for en- rolment as a member of any prescribed class of dental auxiliary; and (b) satisfies the council that he? (i) is of good character; and [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 3/2001]
The Dental Act - Health and Safety
ember, 1974, or such other period in lieu thereof as may be prescribed and gained sufficient experience to enable him to perform those functions satisfactorily; and (c) pays such registration fee as may be prescribed, the council shall, after considerin
The Duty-Free Shopping System Act
ember, 1974.] preliminary this act may be cited as the duty-free shopping system 2.?(1) in this act? ?approved goods? means any class or description of goods specified in the schedule as approve goods; ?commissioner? means the commissioner of customs
The Employment (Termination, etc.) Act - Employment
ember, 1974.] part i?preliminary 1. this act may be cited as the employment (termination and redundancy payments) act. ) 2.?(1) in this act, unless the context otherwise requires? ?the appointed day? means 9th december, 1974; ?business? includes? (a)
The Export Industry Encouragement Act
ember, 1974, from selling, giving away or otherwise disposing of an approved export product for use in any country belonging to the caribbean common market, other than jamaica. 16.?(1) every approved export manufacturer who fails to comply with any requi
The Republic of Malta Act - Citizenship and Nationality
ember, 1974. 1. this act may be cited as the republic of malta act. short title. 2. in this act? interpreta- ?minister? means the minister for the time being res- ton ponsible for external affairs; ?parliament? means the parliament of jamaica. 3.?(1)
The Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service) Act - Employment
ember, 1974; ?contributor? means any legislator who by virtue of section 3 becomes a contributor under this act, and includes any person who paid a special contribution under the provisions of this act as in force prior to the 12th december, 1974; ?coun
The Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service) Act - Employment
ember, 1974, shall be deemed to have been a legislator during the period of such former legislative service. 6.?(1) subject to the provisions of this act, a retiring allowance shall be paid to any person who? (a) either? (i) has served as a legislator
The Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service) Act - Employment
ember, 1974, that person may, if he so desires, repay such amount to the accountant-general? (a) within the period of twelve months next after the date of such enactment; or (b) in the event of his serving as a legislator after that date, within the peri
The Tourist (Duty-Free) Shopping System Act - Tourism
ember, 1974.] preliminary 1. this act may be cited as the tourist (duty-free) short tite. shopping system act. 2.?(1) in this act? interpre- ?approved goods? means any class or description of *'°? goods specified in the schedule as approved goods; gu.
The Wharfage Act
ember, 1974. (2) the rate of the wharfage cess shall be seventy- five per centum of the additional sums referred to in sub- section (1). (3) the wharfage cess payable by any wharfinger shall be paid by him at such times and in such manner as the authori
The Dental Act
ember, 1974) [19th september, 1974] part i?preliminary 1. these regulations may be cited as the dental regulations, 1974. 2. in these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires? ?approved training institution? means an institution approved by
The Dental Act
ember, 1974, a list of all dentists registered during that year; (b) and thereafter on or before the last day of february of each year, a list of all persons so registered during that year, including in respect of each dentist the particulars specified
The Dental Act
ember, 1974, a list of all enrolled members of each class of dental auxiliary; and thereafter (b) on or before the last day of febrbary of each year, a list of all persons so enrolled during that year, including in respect of each dental auxiliary the pa