The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) ( No. 2)Order,2011
emoluments, deductions & paye taxes & contributions employer's name: deductions (31 employee details emoluments ($) ic tions (9) (a) {b) © {d) (e) on grossemaluments | grossemoluments | superannuation? employee name employee employee recelved in cash rec
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) ( No. 2)Order,2011
emoluments, deductions & paye taxes & contributions employer's name: s trn: return/calendar year: page ___of. contributions and taxes (§) [3] w a 0] nis nht educationtay | payeincometax/ 5% of total gross 53% of total gross 5% of total gross 25% of to
The Governor General (Expenditure, etc.) Act - Employment
emolumenis, personal staff and tax exemptions . short title. . interpretation. emoluments of governor-general. no emoluments before entry upon duties. . emojuments during absence, leave and incapacity. emoluments of acting governor-general. . assumpt
The Representation of The People (Interim Electoral Reform) Act
emoluments enjoyed by him at that date in respect of that office shall be taken; in the case of an officer who at any time during such period of three years has been transferred from one office to another, but whose pensionable emlouments have not been c