employments & offices
The Income Tax ( Approved Forms) ( Amendment) Order, 2011
employments & offices (add lines20,21&22) .... .......... 23 deduct: expenses claimed (attach schedule 3 - employae exp. claim) 24 nationallnsurance . . . . . . .... +... 25 allowable contributions (superannuation 8 esop). . . . . . .. 26 total deductions
The Income Tax ( Approved Forms) ( Amendment) Order, 2011
employments & offices {add lines 10, 11& 12). . . «vo ov vo. . 13 deduct: expenses claimed (attach schedule 3 - employes exp. claim) 14 nationallnsurance . . . ... «cv itv iii i nl 15 allowable contributions (superannuation & esop). . . . . . 16 total ded
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) Order,20111
employments & offices (add lines20,21&22) .... .......... 23 deduct: expenses claimed (attach schedule 3 - employae exp. claim) 24 nationallnsurance . . . . . . .... +... 25 allowable contributions (superannuation 8 esop). . . . . . .. 26 total deductions
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) Order,20111
employments & offices {add lines 10, 11& 12). . . «vo ov vo. . 13 deduct: expenses claimed (attach schedule 3 - employes exp. claim) 14 nationallnsurance . . . ... «cv itv iii i nl 15 allowable contributions (superannuation & esop). . . . . . 16 total ded
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Amendment) Order, 2013
employments & offices (add lines 20,218&22) ~ - + «+ «+ «vv vo cv vv. 23 co deduct: expenses claimed (attach schedule 3 - employee exp claim) 24 national insurance contributions ~~, . ., ., . ..... ... 25 allowable contributions (superannuation & esop).
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Amendment) Order, 2013
employments & offices (add lines 10, 11&12). . . . ........ 13 deduct expenses claimed (attach schedule 3 -employee exp. claim)| 14 national insurance contributions. . . . . ..... ..... 15 allowable contributions ~ (superannuation and esop). . . | 16 tot