The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
esopotamica hippocamelus spp. megamuntiacus vuquanghensis muntiacus crinifrons ozotoceros bezoarticu pudu puda atilocapra americana pronghorn (only the population of mexico; no other population is included in the schedules) addax nasomaculatus antelop
The Income Tax ( Approved Forms) ( Amendment) Order, 2011
esop). . . . . . .. 26 total deductions (aqalines 24, 25826) + « wo «veo viet iii aes 27 net income arising from employments & offices "(subtract line 27 from line 23): . . .... 28 pensions (attach certificates) . .. . ..... «ee eeeunnoer nnn enneen 29 di
The Income Tax ( Approved Forms) ( Amendment) Order, 2011
esop). . . . . . 16 total deductions (addlines 14, 16& 16) . ... . « «oc iii ii et it een ee a 17 net income arising from employments & offices (subtract line 17 from line 13) . . . . . . 18 pensions (attach certificates) ........ sn 19 divigeiies © «4 vv
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) Order,20111
esop). . . . . . .. 26 total deductions (aqalines 24, 25826) + « wo «veo viet iii aes 27 net income arising from employments & offices "(subtract line 27 from line 23): . . .... 28 pensions (attach certificates) . .. . ..... «ee eeeunnoer nnn enneen 29 di
The Income Tax ( Prescribed Forms) ( Amendment) Order,20111
esop). . . . . . 16 total deductions (addlines 14, 16& 16) . ... . « «oc iii ii et it een ee a 17 net income arising from employments & offices (subtract line 17 from line 13) . . . . . . 18 pensions (attach certificates) ........ sn 19 divigeiies © «4 vv
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Amendment) Order, 2013
esop). . , . , . . | 26 total deductions (add lines 24,25& 26). . . . . cee eee a 27 net income ansing from employments & offices(subtract line 27 from line 23... 28 pensions (attach certificates) . . .. ................ 29 dividends, interest, annuit
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Amendment) Order, 2013
esop). . . | 16 total deductions (add lines 14, 16& 16). . . . . .. viii. 17 net income arising from employments & offices (subtract line 17 from line 13) . _ , , , 18 pensions (attach certificates). . . . ............................ - 19 divihenas + «
The Drug Offences (Forfeiture of Proceeds) Act - Criminal Procedures
esop shares vested in the trustees of a plan, the period commencing with the date of allocation of those shares; or (b) any esop shares diversified into other plan assets, the period commencing with the date on which the esop shares so diversified were a
The Employees Share Ownership Plan Act - Employment
esop shares vested in the trustees of a plan, the period commencing with the date of allocation of those shares; or (b) any esop shares diversified into other plan assets, the period commencing with the date on which the esop shares so diversified were al
The Employees Share Ownership Plan Act - Employment
esop shares based on the level of their remuneration or length of service or both; and . (b) persons shall not be regarded as being entitled to participate in a plan on similar terms if the pricing or funding on any particular occasion in relation "to t
The Employees Share Ownership Plan Act - Employment
esop shares shall be construed as references to the grant of share options. (4) subject to section 11 (related enterprise partici- pation), the commissioner shall not approve a plan if it appears to him that it contains features which are neither essenti