The Civil Aviation Act
european joint aviation authority. dated this 15th day of february, 2000. t. lewis, director-general of civil aviation. dah niled 158 | ee :/ the civil aviation act the civil aviation (air navigation) regulations, 1995 the civi aviation (minimum equip
The Moneylending (Declaration of Exemption) (The Port Authority of Jamaica) (No. 2) Order, 2000
european investment bank to the port authority of jamaica or contracts entered into by such bank or security given to them respectively, pursuant to a finance contract made on the 28th july, 2000, are exempt from the provisions of the moneylending act. d
The Approved Organizations and Authorities Loans (Government Guarantee) (Remission of Tax, Duty or Fee) (The Port Authority of Jamaica) Order, 2000
european investment bank pursuant to a contract (?the finance contract?) signed on the 4th april, 2000 in kingston and 12th april, 2000 in luxembourg; and whereas on the 12th day of september, 2000, approval was given by the house of representatives for
The Approved Organizations and Authorities Loans (Government Guarantee) (Remission of Tax, Duty or Fee) (The Port Authority of Jamaica) Order, 2000
european investment bank to the port authority of jamaica or contracts entered into by such bank or security given to them respectively, pursuant to a finance contract signed on 4th april, 2000 in kingston and on 12th april, 2000 in luxembourg, are exemp
The Moneylending (Declaration of Exemption) (The Port Authority of Jamaica) Order, 2000
european investment bank to the port authority of yamaica or contracts entered into by such bank or security given to them respectively, pursuant to a finance contract signed on 4th april, 2000 in kingston and on 12th april, 2000 in luxembourg, are exemp
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and other specified Countries) (Jamaica {125,000,000 10.5% Notes Due 2004) Declaration Order, 2001
european union: "euro currency note issue" means a note issue by the government of jamaica described in an offering circular dated the 9th day of february, 2001. 3. with respect to the euro currency note issue, the loans (canada, united states of americ
The Passport (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
europe, africa, the middle fee in north, east, the far east, central australia, new and south fee in zealand and pacific america and the document jamaica states caribbean a passport minor .. | $1,500.00 £30.00 us$50.00 adult .. | $2,500.00 £50.00 us$80.00
The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
europe except cyprus for each 15g or fractional part thereof (c) far east, australia, africa, new zealand, asia, cyprus for each 15g or fractional part thereof $ ¢ 30.00 45.00 55.00 70.00 90.00 150.00 75.00 150.00 225.00 300.00 375.00 30.00 40.0
The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
europe (except cyprus) .for each 15g or fractional part thereof (c) far east, australia, africa, new zealand, asia, cyprus for each 15g or fractional part thereof 3. second class airmail to:? (a) caribbean countries: bahamas, belize, bermuda, guyana,
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) (Jamaica EU$50,000,000 10.5% Notes Due 2004) Declaration Order, 2001
european union; "euro currency note issue" means an issue of ?50,000,000 10.5% notes due 2004 made pursuant to a subscription agreement between jamaica and deutsche bank ag london and an issuing and paying agency agreement between jamaica and deutsche ba
The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (Jamaica EU$50,000,000 10.5% Notes Due 2004) Order, 2001
european union; "euro currency note issue" means an issue of ?50,000,000 10.5% notes due 2004 made pursuant to a subscription agreement between jamaica and deutsche bank ag london and an issuing and paying agency agreement between jamaica and deutsche ba
The Customs (Suspension of Operation of Schedule) (Used Motor Vehicles and Heavy Self-Propelled Equipment) Order, 2002Determination of Value Based on Computed Value) Order, 2002
europe, other than used heavy self-propelled equipment, glass's guides; (b) used motor vehicles imported from the united states of america and canada, other than used heavy self-propelled equipment, the n.a.d.a. official used car guides; (c) used motor
The Bank of Jamaica (Dealings in Foreign Currency) (Trafalgar Development Bank Limited) (Exemption) Order,2003.
european investment bank to trafalgar development bank limited and two other financial institutions, such loan being made on terms and conditions set forth in and being evidenced by a loan agreement made among european investment bank, trafalgar developme
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
europe, except the area which formerly con- stituted the union of soviet socialist republics; these latter population are not included in the schedule) altiphrynoides spp. atelopus zeteki bufo periglenes bufo superciliaris nectophrynoides spp. nimbaph
The Loan (Government of Jamaica E200,000,000 10.5% Notes 2009) Directions, 2004
european union. "euro currency note issue? means an issue of ?200,000,000 10.5% notes due 2009 made pursuant to a subscription agreement between the government of jamaica, commerzbank aktiengesellschaft, deutsche bank ag london and erste bank der qesterr