Licence- Evening Light Seven Day Church Limited
evening light seventh day church limited which was duly registered on the 16th april, 2009, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2014
evening institute ; bridgeport infant edtax? 2,472.53 0.00 2,472.53 school canteen education taxes bridgeport primary edtax? 0.10 0.00 0.10 school education taxes | brimmer vale edtax? 15,433.51 0.00 15,433.51 high school education taxes brimmer vale pa.y
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2014
evening institute education taxes clarendon college pay.e. 0.00 886.46 686.46 evening institute claud mckay pa.ye. 112,531.89 118,770.03 231,301.92 secondary school clonmel primary/ edtax? 832.45 0.00 832.45 junior high education taxes cobbla security pay
The Country Fires Act - Local Government
evening and six in the morning; or prohibite (b) leaves unattended any fire he may have lit or used in the open air before it is thoroughly extinguished, shall be guilty of an offence against this act. 6. the minister may by order from time to time proh
The Education Act - Regulation of Professions
evening on any day to enter any premises and there? (a) make such enquiries as may be necessary to deter- mine whether the provisions of section 21 or section 22 are being complied with in relation to any child whom he has reasonable cause to believe to
The Larceny Act - Courts and Judiciary
evening and six o?clock in the morning of the next succeeding day; [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 104a/2019] cap. 212 acts 42 of 1963 s. 2. 7 of 1965 14th sch.,, 1 of 1967, 39 of 1967, 9 0f 1972 sch., 17 of 1982 3rd sch., 11 of 20
The Malicious Injuries to Property Act - Courts and Judiciary
evening and six of the clock in the next morning, shall be liable to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding five years, with or without hard labour. 43. whosoever shall wilfully or maliciously commit any damage, injury, or spoil to or upon any real or pe
The Malicious Injuries to Property Act - Courts and Judiciary
evening and 6 o?clock in the morning of the next succeeding day, and whom he shall have good cause to suspect of having committed, or being about to commit, any felony against this act, and shall take such person, as soon as reasonably may be, before a ju
The Noise Abatement Act - Environment
evening and 6 o'clock in the following morning in such a manner so as to be reasonably capable of causing annoyance to persons mm that vicinity; (b) the operator is requested to reduce or discontinue the sound caused by the specified equipment by or o
The Offences Against the Person Act - Courts and Judiciary
evening and 6 o?clock in the morning of the next succeeding day, and whom he shall have good cause to suspect of having committed, or being about to {the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n, 12372011)
The Public Order Act - Defence and National Security
evening; ?night? means the interval between six o?clock in the evening and five o?clock in the morning of the next succeeding day; ?permit? means a permit granted under the provisions of section 8. 4. it shall be unlawful for any public march to take p
The Towns and Communities Act - Local Government
evening, shall be delivered into the custody of the sergeant or constable in charge of the nearest constabulary station, in order that such person may be secured until he can be brought before a justice to be dealt with according to law or, shall give bai
The Watersheds Protection Act - Environment
evening; ?improvement work? means work of any nature which? {the inclusion of this page is authorized by ln. 90/1993] acts 4 of 1963, 21 of 1975, 9 of 1991 3rd sch. short title. interpreta- tion. 9/1991 3rd sch. 9/1991 3rd sch.