excisable goods
The Excise Duty Act
excisable goods name of applicant: address: situation of factory: acreage of curtilage: state if licensed under any other enactment, if so licence must be attached: state if previously licensed under this act: type of machinery: whether worked by h
The Excise Duty Act
excisable goods from registered store or warehouse for re-manufacture date required to move the undermentioned excisable goods deposited in registered store ab. eee for re-manufacture. warehouse date when . description of marks | numbers] containers
The Excise Duty Act
excisable goods from warehouse date required to remove the undermentioned excisable goods deposited in warehouse at............c.ccoeeiveneenienieniencenienrecennnnns for. eceeteninireereenietrmetieninseenes date description of when
The Excise Duty Act
excisable goods removed from registered store, factory or warehouse (regulation 61) factory marks and or numbers ] person warchouse i quantity | in charge from of of which conveyance to removed name of where whether ? to be warchoused or exported
The Excise Duty Act
excisable goods other than spirits materials receipts ? quantity quantity total to be quantity and quantity manufactured received from accounted for delivered description and according to another factory according to for home received into description wei