The Dangerous Drugs ( Cultivation of Ganja For Scientific Research Purposes) ( Bio-Tech R & D Institute) Order, 2016
executors rose linton and cosmo jowhill. part 2 duration and renewal of order 1. this order shall expire one (1) year after coming into effect. 2. this order may be renewed on application by bio-tech, received at least thirty (30) days prior to the da
The Dangerous Drugs ( Cultivation of Ganja For Scientific Research Purposes) ( University of Technology) Order, 2017
executors rose linton and cosmo jowhill. dated this 5th day of june, 2017. andrew wheatley, phd, mp minister of science energy and technology.
The Trespass Act
executors, efc. 9. executor may bring action for injury to real estate of deceased. action may be brought against executor for injury to property by testator. entering on land for purpose of hunting, etc 10. entering on land for purpose of hunting, etc.
The Trespass Act
executors, etc. 9. an action of trespass, or trespass on the case, as the case may be, may be maintained by the executors or administrators of any person deceased for any injury to the real estate of such person committed in his lifetime, for which an ac