feb. 1, 2007
The Aliens (Passenger Information) Regulations, 2007
feb. 1, 2007 (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) 20) 21) (22) 23) (24) place of discharge. exporter. exporter address. consignee. contact information (consignee or representative). total containers (total number of containers for each transport
The ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies 2007 (Visa) Regulations, 2007
feb. 1, 2007 - ?foreign state? means a country or territory which is not exempt first under the first schedule: schedule. ?holder? means a person to whom a special visa is issued under these regulations; ?issuing agency? means an issuing agency re
The ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies 2007 (Visa) Regulations, 2007
feb. 1, 2007] proclamations, rules and regulations 46¢ special visa application. third schedule. (b) employed in an advisory or consultative capacity to the government of jamaica or other such states, upon the written request of that government;
The ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies 2007 (Visa) Regulations, 2007
feb. 1, 2007 (b) which would, if these regulations were not in force, be valid for entry into a member state, that visa shall be valid for entry into jamaica as if it were a caricom specia duration of 9 visa. i'hese regulations shall continue
The ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies 2007 (Visa) Regulations, 2007
feb. 1, 2007] proclamations, rules and regulations 46g third schedule (regulation 4) please read accompanying instructions carefully before completing form application form for caricom special visa valid for multiple entries from 1st february unt
The ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies 2007 (Visa) Regulations, 2007
feb. 1, 2007] proclamations, rules and regulations 461 fifrn schedule (regulation 6) fees per multiple entry visa one hundred dollars in the currency of the | made in jamaica, its equivalent in jamaican currency at the rate of exchange prevaili
The ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies 2007 (Visa) Regulations, 2007
feb. 1, 2007 sixth schedule, contd. dated this 31st day of january, 2007. peter phillips minister of national security. printed by jamaica printing services (1892) ltd, (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica