The Moneylending (Declaration of Exemption) (The Port Authority of Jamaica) (No. 3) Order, 2000
fect to the terms and conditions upon and subject to which the said loan was so guaranteed, to provide for the remission of any income tax and stamp duty payable in respect of that loan: now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by sect
The Airports (Economic Regulation) Designation of Approved Airport Operator (Sangster International Airport) (MBJ Airports Limited) Order, 2003
fect on the date hereof. 2. mbi airports limited, a company incorporated and registered under the companies act with registration number 65,801 is hereby designated to operate the sangster international airport as an approved operator for purposes of the
The Airports (Economic Regulation) Transfer of Assets (MBJ Airports Limited)
fect on the date hereof. 2. mbi airports limited, a company incorporated and registered under the companies act with registration number 65,801 is hereby designated to operate the sangster international airport as an approved operator for purposes of the
The Aliens (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations,2004.
fecha de liegada vacation / vacacon [1 busmess | negoaos honeymoon merwin |] mm gat rr ae ion = i || / l_! . | / li 1 lun oa mel ma tremnonmo ret ww vx go £m 3 : v | seudyre ducation [7] visiting friends 7 fanwy 7) se a { estsoeducacon vistar amugos / ff
The Immigration Restriction (Commonwealth Citizens) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
fecha do nacimwento ?20. 3. io no. or passport no. nuithto ar kh! tt af a sea nw. ot lr + tr + £1 tt 1 1 1 ! 2 flight nuwveen 21a name of vessel / nombre del buaus stren arkrirans/ard! urwt murmbers ¢ calle { numero / apa) lod x rr 41 gtr f111 intended
The National Insurance (Increase in Benefits) Order, 2006
fective date the national insurance (general benefit) regulations, 1966 regulation 4 1. delete from paragraph (2)? (a) the figures ?$300.00? 1.4.2001 and substitute therefor the figures ?$450.00?; (b) the figures $450.00" 1.7.2003 and substitute the