The Sharing of Forfeited Property ( United Kingdom) Order, 2010
feited property (united kingdom) order, 2009; and whereas it is provided under section 3 (2) of the act that an order made under that section shall be subject to affirmative resolution; and wiiereas it is desirable that the sharing of forfeited property
The Sharing of Forfeited Property ( United Kingdom) Order, 2010
feited property (united kingdom) order, 2009, should be affirmed by resolution: now therefore be it resolved by this honourable senate as follows: 1. this resolution may be cited as the sharing of forfeited property (united kingdom) order, resolution, 2
The Sharing of Forfeited Property ( United Kingdom) Order, 2010
feited property (united kingdom) order, 2009; and whereas it is provided under section 3 (2) of the act that an order made under that section shall be subject to affirmative resolution; and wiiereas it is desirable that the sharing of forfeited property
The Coinage Offences Act - Criminal Procedures
feit, shall be guilty of a felony, and, being convicted thereof, shall be liable, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding fourteen years, with or without hard labour. 10. whosoever shall tender, utter, or put off any false or counterfeit coin, resemb
The Drug Offences (Forfeiture of Proceeds) Act - Criminal Procedures
feiture of proceeds} the drug offences (forfeiture of proceeds) act arrangement of sections part i. preliminary short title. interpretation. part h. forfeiture orders, pecuniary penalty orders and related matters application for forfeiture order and