The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
female ci mate [jfemale 45. personal 1d description: 48. id number 47. personal id description: 48. 1d number driver's licence jamaicanother driver's licence jemaicanother passport (state type) passport (state type) jameican/other national 1d card ¥ omer
Licence-Joy Town Covenant Community Church Limited
female prisoner welfare project hibiscus jamaica limited which was duly registered on the 20th january, 2004 as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the co
Licence-Joy Town Covenant Community Church Limited
female prisoner welfare project hibiscus jamaica limited which was duly registered on the 20th january, 2004 as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the co
Licence-Joy Town Covenant Community Church Limited
female prisoner welfare project hibiscus jamaica limited which was duly registered on the 20th january, 2004 as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the co
Licence-Joy Town Covenant Community Church Limited
female prisoner welfare project hibiscus jamaica limited which was duly registered on the 20th january, 2004 as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the co
Licence-Female Prisoner Welfare Project Hibiscus Jamaica Limited
female prisoner welfare project hibiscus jamaica limited which was duly registered on the 20th january, 2004 as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the co
The Census Order, 2011
female? 1.4 to which race or ethnic group would you say 2? omale o female youl. belong(s)? (read cag ories) o chinese o other (specify) | 1.2 (a) what is your? .....'s date of birth? o mixed ©o not stated dd mm y ¥y y y o east indian tj / 17] / heer o not
The Representation of the People ( Amendment of Second Schedule) Regulation, 2011
female feet -crh-cl cii ttt ttt litt i ttttt tit tt] 28. mother's name name parish of 1 solemnly dectare that ali the particulars set out in this rrc relating to me are true, that t have not already been enumerated in this current enumeration excerc
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Cluney called Brick Hill in the parish of St. Thomas) Order, No. 0590/2020
fema tm 1 com say ot i, bdr wake and ncl of istrument: ......_.__ wedto283978. wake and wo, of tape: date ir result of ast a , { " everest a mu a | 35 gardoale avene, mons, igen § i a ???? > dm by jowmiad.
The Statistics Act
female 18 years & over [tt] cry bly lil u [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 95/2013]