The Public Bodies Regulations, 2015
finance committee has completed its examination of the estimates of revenue and expenditure in respect of that financial year?. 6. the principal regulations are amended by deleting regulation 21 and substituting the following therefor? ?reallocation
The Caribbean Examinations Council Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
finance committee which shall include a representative from each of the participating governments of barbados, guyana, jamaica and trinidad and tobago and four representatives from the other participating governments; receive from any national committee
The Caribbean Examinations Council Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
finance committee such powers as may be necessary; appoint such other committees as the council may consider necessary for the performance of its duties; regulate the conduct of any examinations conducted under the provisions of paragraphs (4), (¢) and
The Caribbean Examinations Council Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
finance committee shall be con- stituted by one-half of the respective total membership. 7. the member of the council presiding at a meeting of the council shall, in addition to an original vote, have a casting vote in any case where the voting is equal.
The Caribbean Examinations Council Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
finance committee 1. the administrative and finance committee may appoint a sub- committee in each territory of the area and may delegate to any such sub-committee such powers as it thinks fit regarding administrative and financial matters affecting that
12_2020- The Bank of Jamaica (Amendment) Act
finance committee of the house of representatives, the statements shall stand so referred and the committee may require the governor to attend a meeting of the committee to answer any questions in relation thereto. (4) the committee shall, at the end of
12_2020- The Bank of Jamaica (Amendment) Act
finance committee of the house of representatives, the report shall stand so referred and the committee may require the governor to attend a meeting of the committee to answer any questions in relation thereto.?. 24. the principal act is amended by inser
4 of 2016 - The Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act
finance committee? means finance committee. the finance committee of the local authority concerned. (2) ifitappears to the finance committee upon a report by the auditor-general, that any person who is or was an employee of a local authority? @ (b)
4 of 2016 - The Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act
finance committee, is not furnished within a reasonable period specified by the finance committee by notice in writing to that person setting out the conduct alleged for which the explanation is required, the finance committee may surcharge against the pe
4 of 2016 - The Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act
finance committee so directs, be recovered by monthly deductions from the salary of the officer surcharged, in such amounts as the finance committee shall specify but in any event not exceeding one-sixth of the amount payable monthly in respect of salary
4 of 2016 - The Local Government (Financing and Financial Management) Act
finance committee of that local authority, containing the findings of that officer and such recommendations as the officer considers necessary. (4) for the purposes of this section, internal audit functions may be conducted on the basis of shared service
8 of 2016 - The Local Governance Act
finance committee shall be to? (a) oversee the management of the financial affairs of the municipal corporation or city municipality, as the case maybe; (b) oversee the preparation of the budgets, statements and plans and their submission to council for
The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Act
finance committee, or the executive officers of the council of the position of the votes or funds with which it is proposed to deal, and advise generally on the finances of the corporation; (f) prepare and submit to the town clerk for the information and