financial provisions
The Banana Board Act - Agriculture
financial provisions special provisions relating to funds of board. reserve fund. investments, accounts and audit. annual report and estimates. control of purchase, sale and exportation of bananas penalties. rules. [the inclusion of this page
The Caribbean Accreditation Authority (Medicine and Other Health Professions) Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
financial provisions 1. the funds of the authority shall comprise? (a) annual contributions from the contracting parties; (b) grant funds received from donor agencies; (c) income derived from earnings for services provided by the authority; (d) fees fro
The Fair Competition Act - Consumer Protection
financial provisions, accounts and reports 12. the funds of the commission shall consist of? (a) such sums as may be appropriated by parliament for the purposes of this act; {#) any other moneys which may in any manner become payable to or vested in the
The Irrigation Act - Agriculture
financial provisions 47.?(1) tt shall be lawful for the authority with the ipotiton approval of the minister, by notification in the gazette, to 71999 impose, in respect of all lands and watercourses within an irrigation area, such charges in relation to
The Jamaica Railway Corporation Act - Transport
financial provisions 27.?(1) the revenues of the corporation shall be applied for the purposes authorized by this or any other act in relation to the functions of the corporation and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing words may be appli
The Matrimonial Causes Act - Family
financial provisions powers of court to make provision for spouse. [deleted by act 30 of 2005, s. 28(1)(a).] supplementary provisions as to maintenance, settlement of property, etc. dispositions and orders pending and after suits orders re custody, main
The Matrimonial Causes Act - Family
financial provisions 20.?(1) on any decree for dissolution of marriage, the court - may, if it thinks fit? (a) order a spouse (hereinafter in this section referred to as the contributing spouse) to secure to the other spouse (hereinafter in this section
The Tourist Board Act - Tourism
financial provisions funds and resources of board. accounts and audit. annual report and estimates. miscellaneous tourist accommodation to be licensed. licences for tourist accommodation. power to require licensing of tourism enterprises. grant of li
7 of 2016 - The Special Economic Zones Act
financial provisions, accounts and reports 1?(1) the funds and resources of the authority shall consist of ? @ ®) such sums as may, from time to time, be placed at the disposal of the authority by parliament; and all other sums and other property w
22 of 2014 - The Anti-Doping in Sport Act
financial provisions, accounts and reports 1.?(1) the funds and resources of the commission shall consist of? (@ such sums as may, from time to time, be placed at the disposal of the commission by parliament; and (b) all other sums and other property w
9_2006- The Caribbean Accreditation Authority (Medicine and other Health Professions) Act
financial provisions 1. the funds of the authority shall comprise? (a) annual contributions from the contracting parties; (b) grant funds received from donor agencies; (c) income derived from earnings for services provided by the authority; (d) fees from
The Coconut Insurance Act
financial provisions 16.?(1) for the purposes of these regulations the board shall establish a coconut wind-storm insurance fund (hereinafter called ?the fund?) which shall be kept separate from any other moneys belonging to or under the control of the b