first column second column
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2001
first column second column acts chronological table pages authorized to be removed (inclusive) xvih-xviii, xxxvii-xxxvii, xxxix-xl, xli-xlii, lvii-lviii, lxvii-lxviii, lxxvi-lxxvii, lxxix-lxxx, xchi-xclv, xcvii-xcviii, xcix-c, cx1-cxii, cxii-cx1v,
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Petroleum and Oil Fuel) (Landing and (Storage) (Fees) Order, 2002
first column second column grade of station fee per annum a ? annual gallonage of motor 240,000 and over $10,000 spirit b ? annual gallonage of motor over 120,000 but spirit leses than 240,000 $ 7,500 c ? annual gallonage of motor 120,000 and under § 5,0
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) (Subsidiary Legislation) Order, 2003
first column second column third column pages authorized to be removed pages authorized to be inserted title of subject harbours insurance irrigation jamaican nationality (inclusive) 1,5-6,7-8 1, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 14.01- 1
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Petroleum and Oil Feel) (Landing and Storage) (Feels) Order,2003
first column second column grade of station fee per annum a-?annual gallonage of motor ~~ 240.000 and over $10,000 spirit b? annual gallonage of motor ~~ over 120,000 but spirit leses than 240,000 $7,500 c?? annual gallonage of motor ~~ 120,000 and und
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order,2003.
first column second column pages authorized to be removed acts (inclusive) the airports (economic ? regulation) act the executive agencies ? act the interception of ? communications act the jamaica intellectual ? property office act the nat
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order,2003.
first column second column pages authorized to be removed acts (inclusive) the income tax act, contd. 156,223-224,235-236, 237-238, 243 the jamaica (constitution) 161-162 order in council, 1962 (the jamaica constitution) the judicature (rules of 1-2
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) (Subsidiary Legislation) (Order,2003)
first column second column third column pages authorized to be pages authorized to be title of subject removed (inclusive) inserted {inclusive) natural resources 66.16,66.17-66.18,66.19- conservation 66.20,66.21-66.22,66.23 authority, contd. 66.24,66.25-6
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Petroleum And Oil Fuel) (Landing and Storage) (Fees) (No.2) Order,2003.
first column second column grade of station fee per annum a ? annual gallonage of motor 240,000 and over $10,000 spirit b ? annual gallonage of motor over 120,000 but spirit less than 240,000 $7,500 c ? annual gallonage of motor 120,000 and under spirit
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Petroleum and Oil Fuel) (Landing and Storage) (Fees) Order,2004.
first column second column grade of station fee per annum a ?annual gallonage of motor 240,000 and over $10,000 spirit b ?annual gallonage of motor ~~ over 120,000 but spirit less than 240,000 $7,500 c ? annual gallonage of motor 120,000 and under spir
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order,2004.
first column second column pages authorized to be removed acts (inclusive) the assets tax (specified ? bodies) act the early childhood ? commission act the municipalities ? act the national health fund ? act the safeguard act ? the agricultural produce 9-
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order,2004.
first column second column pages authorized to be removed acts (inclusive) lotteries act 19-20,21-22,23-24, 25-26,27-28,33-34 35-36, 39-40,44.01- 44.02,49-50, 53-54, 61-62, 66.01-66.02, 66.03-66.04, 71-72 the building societies act 41-42,43-44,45-46, a
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order,2004.
first column second column third column pages authorized new pages authorized to be removed to be inserted acts (inclusive) (inclusive) chronological table lxi-lxtv,cccxxix- lxih.xiv, cocxxix- cccxxx,cccxxxv- cocxxx, cccxxxv- cccxxxvlcccxxxix cocxxxv
The Law Revision ( Authorized Pages) ( Subsidiary Legislation) Order, 2005
first column second column pages authorized to be removed title of subject (inclusive) kingston and st. andrew corporation 3-4,118.01-118.02 land valuation law revision minimum wage money laundering national honours and awards national housing trust
The Law Revision ( Authorized Pages) ( Subsidiary Legislation) Order, 2005
first column second column third column pages authorized pages authorized to be removed to be inserted title of subject (inclusive) (inclusive) parish councils 7-8,9-10 7-8,9-10 parochial rates and finance 1 1,23 pharmacy 1,3-4,5-6,7-8,1
The Law Revision ( Authorized Pages) Order, 2005
first column second column third column pages authorized new pages authorized to be removed to be inserted acts (inclusive) (inclusive) the law revision act 27-28,49 27-28,49 the medical act 3-4,5-6,15-16 3-4,5-6,15-16 the national health services act t