first column second column enactment amendment
The Child Diversion Act 2018 - Children
first column second column enactment amendment (2) where a prescribed treatment programme is completed or otherwise terminated by the court, the records of any tests performed on the child shall not be admissible in evidence in any proceedings against
13_2018-The Major Organized Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency Act
first column second column enactment amendments major organised crime and anti- corruption agency, appointed under the major organised crime and anti- corruption agency act; 2 or ., (c) re-letter the current para- graph (c) as paragraph (d). 2. in th
14_2018-The Child Diversion Act
first column second column enactment amendment child care and protection act section 2 in subsection (1), insert in the correct alphabetical sequence the following definitions? ge approved treatment provider? has the meaning assigned to it by section
14_2018-The Child Diversion Act
first column second column enactment amendment {c) the recommendations, if any, of? (i) the appropriate parish parole committee; (ii) the appropriate child diversion committee; (iii) the children?s advocate or a children?s officer; (iv) a probation a