first column second column third column provision amendment effective date
The National Insurance (Increase in Benefits) Order, 2006
first column second column third column provision amendment effective date the national insurance (general benefit) regulations, 1966 regulation 4 1. delete from paragraph (2)? (a) the figures ?$300.00? 1.4.2001 and substitute therefor the figures ?
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) (No. 4) Order, 2014
first column second column third column provision amendment effective date (2) the tax withholding entities to which paragraph (1) relate are? (a) a ministry, an executive agency, an agency or a department of government; (b) a statutory body or author
The Provisional Collection of Tax ( General Consumption Tax) Order, 2017
first column second column third column provision amendment effective date with or without cab) or buses? (a) not exceeding $12,000 march 13,2017 1,524 kg of unladen weight; (b) exceeding $12,000 march 13, 2017 1,524 kg of unladen weight, but no
The Provisional Collection of Tax ( General Consumption Tax) Order ( Confirmation, Modification and Extension) Resolution, 2017
first column second column third column provision amendment effective date with or without cab) or buses? (a) not exceeding $12,000 march 13,2017 1,524 kg of unladen weight; (b) exceeding $12,000 march 13, 2017 1,524 kg of unladen weight,