The Revenue Administration (Taxpayer Registration) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
first, middle) 15, name of applicant's spouse (last, first, middle) 16. (a) nis number: 17. please provide one (1) of the following three (3) identifications (id): [] driver's licence no: b) income tax ! (birth ® reference no.: [] national idno: ?certific
The Income Tax (Prescribed Forms) Amendment) Order, 2013
first, middle) 3. home address (apt. no., street no. and name, postal zone, parish) | 4- employer's name 5. occupation 6. tick appropriate box: j new address [j revised retum section b - summary of income salary, wages, bonus, f
The General Consumption Tax Act
first, middle) . commenced year month day ee oboe da home address tite: n * signature : » 2) name (las!, first, middle) * individual trn : year month day eens .- cee ee ee eer ell home address + title: » . signature : » 3) name (last, firs, middio)} indiv