first sch
The Law Revision Act
first schedule second schedule appendix, contd. amendments insert under the heading "laws or acts enacted after 30th june, 1955" and in the appropriate chronological sequence, the following? "act 3 of 1997 the loan (amendment) act, 1997. act 16 of 1
The Provision collection of Tax ( General Consumption Tax) ( No. 7) Order,2009
first schedule provisions amendments part ii group 2? agriculture 1. insert next after item 2 the following as item 3? ?3. machetes, 11.43cm triangular cutlass files, grubbing hoes, farm forks, (that is to say four- pronged forks), which the commissioner
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) Act
first schedule. 4. any transfer or registration of any portion of the land described in the part i of the first schedule must be in conformity with the plan described in part ii of the first schedule and must be subject to the conditions outlined in the
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Hampstead In The Parish of Saint Ann) Order, 2017
first schedule. 4, any transfer or registration of any portion of the land described in part i of the first schedule must be in conformity with the plan described in part ii of the first schedule and must be subject to the conditions outlined in the seco
The Drug Court (Treatment and Rehabilitation of Offenders) Regulations, 2000
first schedule. plan of 12. a plan of a prescribed treatment programme shall include the prescribed matters specified in the second schedule. treatmen programme. second schedule. first schedule (regulation 11) particulars to be entered in register kep
The Public Health (Nuisance) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
first schedule and inserting next after item 10 thereof the following? « 11. offensive smells, including the emission of noxious fumes, gases or powerful smells, as a result of agricultural, domestic or industrial processes or otherwise.? and (b) insert
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment of Schedule) Order, 2001
first schedule to the customs tariff (revision) resolution, 1972 specified hereunder? chapter and tariff heading no. ex. chapters 84 and 85 84.71 8473.30 8524.993 8524.994 description of goods compact discs and other devices which the commissioner
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment of Schedule) Order, 2001
first schedule to the customs tariff (revision) resolution, 1972, shall apply.?. dated the 25th day of june, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke 8y., kgn.
The Law Revision (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2001
first schedule, contd. cap 353 the seamen's wages (recovery of) law. cap 357 the shipping master's fees law, cap 419 the wreck and salvage law." (b) insert under the heading "laws or acts enacted after 30th june, - 1955" and in the appropriate chronologi
The Land Valuation (Exemption) (No. 2) Order, 2002
first schedule to this order; (b) the improved value of any parcel of land in any district listed in the second schedule to this order. first schedule all unoccupied land belonging to, and all land belonging to and in the actual occupation of, the crow
The Land Valuation (Exemption) (No. 3) Order, 2002
first schedule to this order; (b) the improved value of any parcel of land in any district listed in the second schedule to this order. first schedule all unoccupied land belonging to, and all land belonging to and in the actual occupation of, the crow
The Land Valuation (Exemption) (No. 3) Order, 2002
first schedule all unoccupied land belonging to, and all land belonging to and in the actual occupation of, the crown in the parish of kingston. second schedule parish of kingston. dated this 30th day of april, 2002. horace dalley, minister of land an
The Land Valuation (Exemption) (No. 4) Order, 2002
first schedule all unoccupied land belonging to, and all land belonging to and in the actual occupation of, the crown in the parish of kingston. second schedule parish of kingston. dated this 30th day of april, 2002. horace dalley, minister of land and
The Land Valuation (Exemption) (No. 5) Order, 2002
first schedule to this order; (b) the improved value of any parcel of land in any district listed in the second schedule to this order. first schedule all unoccupied land belonging to, and all land belonging to and in the actual occupation of, the crow
The Land Valuation (Exemption) (No. 6) Order, 2002
first schedule to this order; (b) the improved value of any parcel of land in any district listed in the second schedule to this order. first schedule all unoccupied land belonging to, and all land belonging to and in the actual occupation of, the crow