first schedule second schedule
The Law Revision Act
first schedule second schedule appendix, contd. amendments insert under the heading "laws or acts enacted after 30th june, 1955" and in the appropriate chronological sequence, the following? "act 3 of 1997 the loan (amendment) act, 1997. act 16 of 1
The Law Revision (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2007
first schedule second schedule (a) (b) appendix (paragraph 2) amendments insert under the heading ?laws or acts enacted after 30th june, 1955? and in appropriate chronological sequence the following? ?act 24 of 2004 the banking (licences) (forms of
The Provisional Collection of Tax ( General Consumption Tax) ( No. 16) Order, 20099
first schedule second schedule second schedule, contd. (paragraph 2) amendments 3. delete from paragraph (10) (a) (iii) thc numerals ?5.000.000? and substitute therefor the numerals ?416,666.67. delete paragraph 1. delete part i. dated this 2nd day
17 of 2013 - Trade Marks (Amendment) Act
first schedule second schedule second column amendment the direction and shall notify all parties to the proceedings of that date. (6) the rules ex- cepted from paragraph (1) are rules 9(7), 10 and 25.?. renumber items 1(b) to (d) as items 1(c) to (e)