fisheries division, ministry of agriculture
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Establishment of Individual Export Quota (Conch, Strombus Gigas) Regulations, 2000
fisheries division, ministry of agriculture. please note the following? (1) please attach certificate of the individual conch quota and verifica- tion of inspection from the fisheries division and health certificate from the veterinary division
The Provision collection of Tax ( General Consumption Tax) ( No. 10) Order,2009
fisheries division, ministry of agriculture.?. 4. insert immediately after item 30 the following as items 31and32? ?31. syrups, as specified under tariff heading no. 21.06 of the first schedule to the customs tariff (revision) resolution, 1972. 32. fis
The Fishing Industry Act
fisheries division, ministry of agriculture fax: 923-8811-3, ext. 238 000 snollyinoty ( (sngwoyls snintd) honod ao noilyayisnod) adlsnani onihsia fhl 92
The Fishing Industry Act
fisheries division, ministry of agriculture [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 78/2002)